Charlotte Was Born on 30 August 2008

Soon I was pushed to the delivery theatre accompany by my hubby. There's a tv for you and hubby to watch, relax and enjoy the whole process of delivery.The contraction is getting nearer and very painful each time. The painkiller which need four hours to take full effect does not work for me. And the only way to release my pain is to push the baby out as soon as possible. Therefore, each contraction I felt ... i push a little lor with my hubby help since no midwife was there .... due to short handed. Besides, we found out that there's 2 urgent case in other theatre. A little dramatic right,..... but it's true!
Midwife can around 3.15pm to check the opening and found that it have already reached 10 cm. Ready to give birth so they summoned Dr Wong immediately. He was shocked too when he saw my opening. He told me that from his past experiences, it usually tooks 5-6 hours to have 6 cm. But mine only on 1 hr.

The whole process is only breathing in and push until I no strength. Futhermore, the unbearable pain. It was very very painful even the senior midwife offered me with the mask (not too sure the actual name but it was meant to release the painfulness) I finally give up on the push and breathless........... Dr Wong finally decided to vacumm my child...... and it's 1603pm. By the way, my BP was 190 during the delivery ..........

Indeed, the whole delivery took only2.5 hrs and ended before dinner... Told by my hubby, I was the last to enter the theatre and first to come out.

Welcome , my little angel .......