First Trimester - 0 to 3 Months

Everything changed when I knew I was pregnant.

I ate more and more with sumptuous meal from breakfast to supper and also always needed longer sleeping time even if I went to bed as early as 8pm. This meant that I went straight to sleep after my wash up and dinner. At that time, we still own a car and my workplace was quite near from my in law house. Therefore, travelling time needed is shorter compared to bus. (off work at 5.45pm sharp and reached home at 6.15pm)

I had vomiting and a little dehydrated during these weeks. No appetite and kept throwing out what I have ate even if it was merely plain porridge. During my next visit, my ultrascan showed that there was too little water in my foetus for bb to grow. Soon I realised from my TMC that insufficient water level in my foetus can cause miscarriage. Therefore, I drank a lot of plain water even during my bedtime and midnight toilet breaks.

I was very thrilled when my appetite came back after long drinking of red dates longan tea with wolfberry and american ginseng tea to control the nauseous. I ate everything that I could eat including junk foods , tibits, cold drinks before it lost control again. My TMC knew that I was born with a weak backbone and insuficient "qi" so he advised my mum and me to made these teas and deep fried small Ikan Bilis (no seasoning one-just plain & natural taste) for me to eat like junk food. This was my all time favourites.

Why Ikan Bilis ?
  • Helps in developing Baby strong bones with its high calcium level
  • I do not like to drink milk or eat fish
  • Soya bean may cause baby to have slight jaundice